NFT Marketing Explained

What Is The Best Way To Market Your NFT Project?

Marketing is an essential component to launching a successful NFT project. A project could have great artwork, a secure smart contract, and a professional front-end website to facilitate minting. Still, the project will fail to reach its potential without great marketing. So how can a project go about carrying out a successful marketing operation?

Build And Grow A Community  

For people to buy the NFT, confidence in the project is required. Trust is attained by building a loyal community of fans. Discord is currently the favored method to build a community. The app allows conversations in text and voice and features such as Ask Me Anything.

People are encouraged to join the community through Social media platforms or shilling other Discord servers with an NFT presence. Enticements such as the opportunity to enter the whitelist or prize giveaways are common.

Participation in the community is incentivized through chat contests. People with the highest engagement rates are awarded prizes in cryptocurrency or NFTs. Invite competitions are run to increase the size of the community.

An active Discord community encourages others to join and participate; visitors seeing a vibrant community will become members. A thriving community also encourages people to buy NFTs. Experienced investors in the market will only purchase from active communities. The Discord server allows the project to relay information and gain the members’ trust. A vast volume of purchases will come from the community; building a solid, engaging community is essential.

Use Social Media

People discover projects through Social Media, with Twitter the most popular medium for crypto and NFT projects. It is a platform where people assess the strength and weaknesses of projects. One way for people to evaluate a project is to examine the following size and content engagement. This evaluation facilitates judgment on whether there is a strong interest in the project.

From an investment perspective, there needs to be demand for the NFTs for price rises. The foundation of investing is buying low and selling at a higher price.

A following is built on Social Media platforms like Twitter by posting quality content that suits the app. For example, written content that reads well with well-spaced, easy-to-read information is essential on Twitter. On Instagram, great images and video reels are necessary to make the page look professional.

A project often builds its following through organic engagement methods such as commenting on other accounts coupled with giveaways. People love freebies and will join Social Media accounts for the opportunity to win.

Social media is used to direct people to the Discord server to contribute to community development. Twitter Space is a valuable tool to deliver more information on the project and how it’ll proceed.

Social Media Influencers are commonly employed to advertise the project. Influencers have a vast following; they can inform their followers about the project and spread awareness.

Collaborations with other projects are a great idea and are mutually beneficial; it facilitates followers to discover new projects.

There are numerous Social Media platforms. Twitter should be the primary focus as it has a significant NFT presence. Other platforms such as Telegram, Instagram, and TikTok are worth considering after achieving a big Twitter following.

Other Advertising Methods.

There are numerous websites and blogs to advertise the project; some are paid, others are free. Press releases and websites such as mediums allow content marketing to take place.

Content marketing is an excellent method to bring users to the company website. Through blog posts, traction and traffic from search engines are directed to the Discord server.

Advertising on the Metaverse is also an option. Metaverses such as Cryptovoxels and Decentraland are popular places for NFT fans. Advertising here will help to attract an audience heavily into NFTs.

Final Thoughts

Building an extensive fan base before the launch will help to ensure the project sells out. A sold-out project has the momentum to increase strength and become more comprehensive. A collection that performs poorly on launch will attract negativity from the existing community, drive down the price of the NFT, and become harder for project growth. It’ll be challenging to attract new members as people will see the project as less than successful.