Solidity Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) with Detailed Answers

Solidity is the leading programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a contract-oriented programming language created with inspiration from popular programming languages such as C++ and JavaScript. The smart contract programming language has gained momentous growth in popularity, leading to more interest in Solidity MCQs and other training resources. It is useful for the implementation of smart contracts on Ethereum with flexibility for the execution of the code on Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM

As an important requirement for developing the web3 and blockchain ecosystem, Solidity is a vital skill for the job market of the future. However, beginners are likely to have doubts such as “Is Solidity open source” and whether it allows audit trials. Therefore, it is important to find helpful training resources that can introduce you to Solidity concepts without difficulties.

The benefits of career development in different Solidity job roles point to lucrative salary estimates and long-term career opportunities. At the same time, you need to reflect on questions like “Is Solidity tough?” before diving into training courses on Solidity. The average annual salary of a Solidity developer is almost $120,000 and could range up to $350,000 in senior roles. You can become a Solidity developer or engineer by starting your journey from the basics of Solidity. The following post helps you learn about the most common multiple-choice questions related to Solidity. 

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Significance of Learning about Solidity 

The advantages of learning Solidity can help you create smart contracts and pursue a long-term plan for career development. Since it is a new programming language, many doubts, such as ‘Is Solidity worth learning’ has become a prominent concern. Should you invest efforts and time in learning about Solidity? 

It is important to identify whether Solidity training is suitable for you and how you can learn it. The obvious answer for learning about Solidity would refer to the job opportunities for professionals with blockchain expertise. Skills in Solidity development can offer viable prospects for pursuing crucial career opportunities in the future. 

One of the effective tools for learning about Solidity would refer to training courses. You can also learn solidity by example by implementing your learning outcomes from the Solidity courses in practice. What can help beginners overcome their apprehensions about learning Solidity? The answer would point at multiple choice questions on Solidity. 

With the help of Solidity quiz questions, you can familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of smart contracts, Ethereum, and Solidity components. Most important of all, Solidity multiple choice questions can help in developing your knowledge of the smart contract programming language with an element of fun. 

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Most Common MCQs on Solidity

The problems for a beginner in learning about Solidity can be solved through easy ways to familiarize themself with the fundamental concepts of Solidity programming. Here are some of the popular Solidity MCQs you should try out to develop your knowledge of Solidity fundamentals. 

1. What is Solidity?

  • Solidity is a machine-level programming language
  • Solidity is an NFT programming language
  • Solidity is a high-level smart contract programming language
  • Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for web development

The correct answer to the question is the third option, i.e., high-level smart contract programming language. You can find answers to “Which type of language is Solidity?” by reflecting on the fundamental definition of Solidity. It is a high-level programming language with elements of JavaScript, Python, and C++. Solidity offers a broad set of features with flexibility for creating applications tailored to run on Ethereum Virtual Machine

2. Which applications can you design with Solidity?

  • Solidity helps in creating smart contracts
  • You can create dApps with Solidity 
  • Solidity can help in creating non-fungible tokens
  • All of the above

The correct answer to the question is the fourth option, i.e., all of the above. You can find responses to ‘Is Solidity worth learning’ in the applications of Solidity. The primary use case of Solidity is the creation of a smart contract code. Smart contracts help in creating decentralized applications for serving different use cases in multiple industries. At the same time, Solidity smart contracts can also help in creating non-fungible tokens and many other applications. 

3. Which technologies can you find in blockchain technology?

The correct response to the question is the fourth option, i.e., all of the above. You can come across Solidity quiz questions that test your knowledge of blockchain fundamentals. Blockchain uses cryptographic hashing for connecting the blocks, thereby ensuring immutability. In addition, asymmetric cryptography with the use of public-private key pair offers the assurance of security. Peer-to-peer networking offers the advantage of decentralized consensus mechanisms that can prevent the unauthorized intervention of centralized intermediaries. 

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4. Which programming language is used for writing smart contracts?

  • Solidity
  • Rust
  • Vyper
  • JavaScript

The correct answer to the question can be quite confusing. You can find an answer to “Is Solidity tough?” by reflecting on the availability of different alternatives. Other than Solidity, you can find many other smart contract programming languages, such as JavaScript, Vyper, and Rust. Vyper is a popular alternative for Solidity to create Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains. Rust has helped in developing smart contracts for Solana and Polkadot blockchain networks. JavaScript is a useful programming language for developing smart contracts on Hyperledger Fabric and NEAR blockchain.

5. What are the types of functions you can find in Solidity?

  • Public and private
  • Internal and external  
  • Function and contract
  • None of the above

The correct response to the question is the second option, i.e., internal and external functions. You can learn about Solidity by example through insights into types of functions, such as internal and external functions. Developers can call external functions from any contract, and the internal function can be invoked from inside the contract. Internal and external functions can help in passing parameters through the use of pointers to memory in the form of array arguments to internal functions. On the other hand, local variables must be passed in the form of arguments to external functions. 

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6. Which programming language is similar to Solidity?

  • Python
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby

The correct answer to the question is the third option, i.e., JavaScript. You can find more insights on ‘Which type of language is Solidity?’ by referring to its similarities with JavaScript. The features of Solidity include its high-level and object-oriented nature, which is the same as JavaScript. In addition, it also has some notable similarities with Python and C++. The features help in developing and deploying smart contracts with support for automation. 

7. What can you find in Solidity arrays?

  • Ones and zeroes
  • Numbers
  • Elements 
  • Strings

The right answer to the question is the third option, i.e., elements. You can find such Solidity MCQs helpful for developing a clear impression of how it works. Solidity can allow the removal of one member in an array by using the array function. Arrays could be classified into compile-time dynamic or fixed categories, and the length of arrays remains undisturbed due to the removal of an element. On the contrary, the array would develop a gap. It is also important to note that Solidity also supports infinite arrays. 

8. Which type of testing is recommended for Solidity developers?

  • System testing
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • None of the above

The correct answer to the question is the second option, i.e., unit testing. You can develop a clear impression of responses to “Is Solidity worth learning” by identifying its different functionalities. Unit testing is the recommended approach for testing the functionalities of different components in the smart contract. It helps in checking whether a smart contract works the way it was intended to. 

9. How does Solidity enable deleting elements from arrays?

  • Clear function
  • Updating function
  • Deleting an element with the index
  • Reduction of length

The correct response to the question is the fourth option, i.e., reduction of length. You can find more insights on ‘Is Solidity open source’ by reflecting on the technical components of Solidity. Developers can use the delete method for moving elements to the right or left before removing them from arrays. 

The feature for reducing the length of the array can help in removing the elements, which provides additional benefits. Reducing the length attribute of an array works differently than other techniques by erasing the named elements and element traits permanently. It is important to practice caution during the use of the reduction length attribute for removing elements from arrays. 

10. What do dApps work like? 

  • Desktop applications
  • Ordinary apps
  • Web apps
  • Contracts

The correct answer to the question is the second option, i.e., ordinary apps. You can find Solidity quiz questions like this to prove your knowledge of the practical use cases of Solidity. The working of dApps is almost similar to ordinary apps you use on a regular basis. However, dApps or decentralized apps feature the benefits of decentralization with the help of foundations in blockchain technology. The decentralized apps could inherit the traits of the blockchain platform on which they have been created. 

11. Which of the following is not an Ethereum test net?

  • Safaricom
  • Kovan
  • Rinkeby
  • Ropsten

The correct answer to the question is the first option, i.e., Safaricom. Test networks are an important part of learning Solidity by example, with an emphasis on practical tools. Test networks serve as simulations of the real Ethereum blockchain. Some of the popular test networks include Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli, and Kovan. Test networks serve as an important component for testing smart contracts created in Solidity, which can avoid unwanted costs. 

Want to learn more about The Ethereum Technology? Enroll Now: The Complete Ethereum Technology Course

12. Which of the following options does not qualify as an Ethereum client?

  • Remote client
  • Full client
  • SPV client
  • Light client

The correct response to the question is the third option, i.e., SPV client. Full client refers to the nodes which can store the complete copy of the blockchain network. Light clients can store a copy of the full blockchain while restricting information from the full clients. Remote clients cannot participate in the validation or storage of blockchain data and work on the implementation of crypto wallets

13. Which virtual machine helps in compiling Solidity code to bytecode?

  • G++
  • EVM
  • JVM
  • GCC

The right answer to the question is the second option, i.e., EVM or Ethereum Virtual Machine. You can learn answers to “Which type of language is Solidity?” by identifying the compiler for the smart contract. Ethereum Virtual Machine helps in compiling smart contracts into bytecode for execution on the blockchain. On the other hand, JVM or Java Virtual Machine helps in ensuring JIT compilation. Similarly, GCC and G++ compilers are C and sC++ compilers. 

14. What are the common data types in Solidity?

  • UINT
  • Strings 
  • Address 
  • All of the above

The answer to the question is the fourth option, i.e., all of the above. You can find responses to “Is Solidity open source” by reflecting on the common variants of data types and their objectives. The objective of uint focuses on the identification of data and facilitating token transfers. Strings data types are used for naming things, and address data type helps in the identification of smart contracts and human users. 

15. What does the Solidity compiler create during smart contract processing?

  • Application Binary Interface
  • Bytecode
  • Both of the above.
  • None of the above.

The correct answer to the question is the third option, i.e., both of the above. You can find the answer helpful for understanding how the smart contract ABI and bytecode are crucial for the functioning of Solidity. The understanding of Solidity by example would show you the importance of bytecode in helping EVM understand the smart contract logic. On the other hand, the ABI provides the user interface for interacting with the smart contract. 

Want to know the real-world examples of smart contracts and understand how you can use it for your business? Check the presentation Now on Examples Of Smart Contracts

Bottom Line 

The detailed review of the Solidity MCQs in this discussion proves how Solidity programming can be easy to learn. You can develop an in-depth understanding of certain basic highlights about Solidity programming with the multiple-choice questions. On the other hand, you need to learn Solidity with the help of professional blockchain training courses

At the same time, you must have a clear understanding of how smart contracts work to learn the applications of Solidity in smart contract development. On top of it, you have to work on practical Solidity smart contract development projects to become a Solidity expert. Learn more about Solidity fundamentals with a basic training course now.      

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