How to Use GPT-4 to Write and Debug Solidity Smart Contracts?

Almost every discussion around technology in the present times draws the limelight on generative AI applications. The unprecedented rise in popularity of ChatGPT within a small period of time is the biggest example of the growth of AI. A few years ago, people would have thought about technical expertise required to use artificial intelligence applications. Interestingly, you could create Solidity smart contracts with GPT-4 now without the complexities in the conventional workflows.

People have been discussing the capabilities of generative AI models, such as GPT-4, in the real as well as virtual worlds. ChatGPT could help you create an essay, write a joke or even plan your vacation. However, it is reasonable to encounter some doubts regarding the capabilities of an AI tool to create valuable smart contracts.

The capabilities of GPT-4 to write Solidity contract are not limited to returning a .sol file without relevant context. It can help you understand the structure of the code and learn about the important deployment steps. On top of it, ChatGPT could also help you write the test files for debugging. The following post helps you find out how to use GPT-4 for writing, deploying, and debugging smart contracts.

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What is the Difference between ChatGPT and GPT-4?

Before you find the answers to “How do you write Solidity contract with GPT-4?” you should learn about the difference between ChatGPT and GPT-4. First of all, you must note that ChatGPT is a large language model or LLM developed by OpenAI. The founders of ChatGPT describe that the dialogue format of the tool ensures that it can answer follow-up questions in a conversation. In addition, ChatGPT could acknowledge mistakes and present contradictions for incorrect contexts alongside rejecting inappropriate requests.

GPT-4 is the underlying model which powers up ChatGPT functionalities. It is important to notice that ChatGPT was developed with the GPT-3.5 model in the initial stages. The free users of ChatGPT could access the functionalities of the GPT-3.5 model. Recently, ChatGPT introduced the GPT-4 model in its ChatGPT Plus subscription service.

You can use GPT-4 to write and debug smart contracts with the help of its advanced functionalities. GPT-4 is an advanced model than the earlier versions, thereby guaranteeing better response quality. Most important of all, GPT-4 serves promising boost for the reasoning capabilities during the debugging process.

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Does GPT-4 Have Any Limitations?

The thought of having an AI tool write and debug smart contracts for you can be quite alluring. However, it is also important to reflect on questions like “Can GPT-4 audit smart contracts?” from a different perspective. For example, you might wonder whether GPT-4 could take care of everything in the smart contract development workflow.

ChatGPT is presently in the research preview state, which implies that it is still developing. On top of it, you can come across many limitations in ChatGPT. For example, it has information about events till September 2021 and could not access information about current events or data after the concerned date.

Another important fact about GPT-4 is that it is a language model and could produce distinct outputs for similar inputs. On the other hand, the code created by ChatGPT is not verified, reviewed, or audited. Therefore, you might have to review the smart contract code manually to identify errors. Interestingly, you can use GPT-4 to find the best ways to test the smart contract code.

How to Start Using ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has become an important addition to the workflow of many developers worldwide. It serves as a valuable tool for debugging code, analysis of code snippets, and generating code. Web3 developers could leverage ChatGPT for efficient creation and debugging of smart contract code. However, no one could gain instant fluency in using GPT-4 for auditing smart contracts or creating new smart contract codes.

First of all, you would have to learn how to use GPT-4 in the ChatGPT Plus subscription service. Smart contract developers must have an OpenAI account to access ChatGPT. You can create a free account by providing your email address and phone number directly on the OpenAI website.

Want to learn more about the ChatGPT? Check here for a detailed guide on The Ultimate ChatGPT Cheat Sheet now!

Simple Ways for Interacting with GPT-4

Once you have created your account, you can start interacting with the AI tool. Before creating and debugging Solidity smart contracts with GPT-4, you should learn about the functionalities of the tool. The best ways to start using ChatGPT involve common tasks such as asking questions. You can begin with simple questions like “Who was the 15th President of the United States?” or “How did the Second World War begin?” and other questions tugging at your curiosity.

You could also use ChatGPT to plan the itinerary for your vacation in Thailand. Another interesting way to familiarize yourself with the working of ChatGPT is to ask it to write a story. For example, you can use a prompt like “Write a story like Game of Thrones where Ned Stark would not be killed in the first season.”

You can interact with ChatGPT by following simple steps in the official interface of the AI tool. Start by clicking on the “New Chat” option in the upper left-hand corner of the user interface. In the next step, you have to choose the model, i.e. GPT-4 to write Solidity smart contract and enter the prompt in the input box. After familiarizing yourself with the capabilities of ChatGPT with simple prompts, you can start the smart contract coding process.

How Can You Create and Debug Smart Contract Code with GPT-4?

The overview of the power of GPT-4 shows that you can generate and debug code with the AI tool. At the same time, it is difficult for beginners to find how to use GPT-4 for creating and debugging code. You can find answers to “How do you write Solidity contract with GPT-4?” by reflecting on four distinct aspects.

First of all, you can ask questions to ChatGPT to clear your doubts about Solidity smart contract programming. In the second step, you can use ChatGPT for writing smart contract code. Subsequently, you can leverage GPT-4 model for debugging and testing the smart contract code. Most important of all, ChatGPT also helps you achieve fluency in coding skills.

Want to get an in-depth understanding of Solidity concepts? Enroll in Solidity Fundamentals Course Now!

Ask Questions about Smart Contract Programming

The foremost requirement for an individual interested in creating and debugging smart contracts is knowledge of smart contract programming. You can find positive responses for “Can GPT-4 audit smart contracts?” from tech experts and communities. As a matter of fact, ChatGPT has emerged as a promising tool in the field of web3 development. However, programmers need to know the effective ways to leverage ChatGPT in smart contract development. ChatGPT offers the advantage of knowledge regarding top web3 tools, such as Solidity, MetaMask, Infura, and Ethers.js.

In most cases, developers would rely on StackOverflow, the official documentation of the programming language or the development tool, or Google to find solutions to their problems. While these platforms could serve as viable solutions to the problems of developers, you would have to work through trial and error.

On the contrary, ChatGPT provides an easier alternative as it offers exact responses to user queries. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to provide an explanation about the application of a specific keyword in Solidity programming language. ChatGPT provides an accurate and detailed explanation for the user’s query as it is not a search engine. As a Large Language Model, ChatGPT responds to the exact query of the user.

Developers who want to use GPT-4 to write and debug smart contracts should also utilize its features to find out more about other tools in smart contract development. For instance, you can ask ChatGPT about the role of Infura in smart contract development. Therefore, developers could rely on ChatGPT to find relevant answers to their doubts in the smart contract development process. At the same time, it is also important to note that you cannot rely on ChatGPT as the trusted source of truth. Developers should verify the data and information provided by ChatGPT with references to additional sources.

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Creating Smart Contract Code with GPT-4

The functionalities of ChatGPT extend beyond writing essays, research papers, songs, and stories. It is a powerful tool for creating smart contract code alongside providing relevant instructions to develop the next decentralized application or smart contracts. The effectiveness of creating Solidity smart contracts with GPT-4 depends on the efficiency of prompt engineering.

If you get the prompts right, then GPT-4 could give you everything starting from planning the project to deploying contracts. Let us assume that you want to develop a smart contract for NFT, and you know about tools such as Solidity, OpenZeppelin, and Truffle. How can you create a prompt for developing the NFT smart contract code? Here is an example of a prompt to start creating the NFT smart contract.

Develop a smart contract that could mint an NFT, and the contract must be deployed on Ethereum blockchain. Offer the detailed code and steps for deploying the smart contract using Solidity, OpenZeppelin, and Truffle. 

ChatGPT would provide you with an outline of the important steps and the code required for building your smart contract code. It is important to note that ChatGPT could stop due to a lack of tokens. You can solve the problem by asking the tool to “Continue,” and it will finish the response. When you use GPT-4 to write Solidity contract, you should pay attention to the best practices for improving code responses. Here are some of the recommended suggestions to improve the quality and precision of code for smart contracts with GPT-4.

  • Remember that GPT-4 does not have knowledge about latest tools and best practices.
  • You should provide specific prompts for obtaining better-quality of responses. For example, specifying that you want a smart contract for an NFT can ensure accurate responses to your query.
  • Before you start using GPT-4 for writing smart contracts, you should prepare it with the right instructions. For instance, you can ask the tool to check the code for errors or use descriptive names.

Want to know the real-world examples of smart contracts and understand how you can use it for your business? Check the presentation Now on Examples Of Smart Contracts

Smart Contract Audit with GPT-4

The flexibility of creating a smart contract code with ChatGPT also brings the thought of using GPT-4 for smart contract audits. Developers could leverage GPT-4 for auditing smart contracts by asking the tool for feedback on smart contract code. Let us assume that you have created a smart contract on Ethereum for accepting donations and withdrawing the amount. You can use the source code of the contract as input for GPT-4 and ask the tool to identify vulnerabilities. Developers can use simple prompts such as,

Can you implement a basic smart contract audit and find security vulnerabilities in this code?

If the code has any loopholes, ChatGPT will point them out alongside offering helpful suggestions. For example, if the example smart contract code allows anyone to withdraw from the contract, GPT-4 would provide advice for risk mitigation. At the same time, ChatGPT could also point out the potential risks, such as lack of input validation, limited functionality, and conflicts in ownership control.

You must have found the answer to “Can GPT-4 audit smart contracts?” with the simple example of an Ethereum contract. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT could not serve as a replacement for the standard security audits. On top of it, ChatGPT could not be an alternative to comprehensive testing. It only serves as a helpful guide for identifying the vulnerabilities in smart contract code, especially for beginners.

Want to understand the importance of smart contracts audits? Check here Smart Contract Audit – A Detailed Guide Presentation


The powerful functionalities of AI in ChatGPT have become the hottest topics of discussion in the domain of technology. As of now, the functionalities of GPT-4 to write Solidity contract and debug it are limited. On the other hand, GPT-4 is an effective language model for obtaining precise and comprehensive answers to your queries. Smart contract developers could start using GPT-4 to overcome their apprehensions and doubts about creating smart contracts with simple prompts.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the basic features of ChatGPT, you can use GPT-4 to write and debug smart contracts by using specific prompts. It is important to remember that effectiveness in prompt engineering would determine the productivity of creating code for smart contracts. At the same time, it is important to note that GPT-4 does not serve as an alternative to traditional smart contract audits and testing processes. Learn more about GPT-4 and its features for smart contract development right now.

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